Monday, August 17, 2009

facts vs opinions 2

I was happy to see Karen Nolan's op-ed piece in today's (Monday August 17) Press Journal. Karen is from California and edits The Reporter's (a news industry publication) opinion pages. In her piece, she mentions two schools of thought regarding Letters to the Editor, one being that this is the place where people can exchange ideas and let the reader decide who or what is right. The other school of thought says opinions should be based in fact and the editor does a disservice to all readers by knowlingly printing misinformation. Karen and I agree that the latter is more desirable.

However, in a Letter to the Editor on the same page, the contributor writes, "The Bible says one of the greatest global changes was because the wickedness of man was great and all the thoughts of man were evil continually." Please raise your hand if you are continually evil. I don't know any people like that.

This Letter goes on to claim, "There was a type of greenhouse with water in the heavens around the Earth. When the Noah flood came it covered every high mountain range." Does this count as 'misinformation'?

The Letter concludes with this statement of proof: "I wouldn't even worry about it except that the Bible has never been wrong."

I feel a lot better now, knowing that the PJ only prints "opinions based in fact."