Friday, June 12, 2009

Sandy vs the Skinheads

Anyone who knows my wife, Sandy, knows she says what’s on her mind. But most people don’t know that she can back up her words with action. One day she was shopping at our favorite Publix store and the ‘bag boy’ was a little old Indian man (I purposely didn’t call him a ‘bag man’ since that carries an even more negative connotation). He pushed Sandy’s cart full of groceries out the front door but had to stop where the sidewalk slopes down to the street.

Two young head-shaven boys, probably in their late teens or early 20s, sat there smoking. The Indian man asked them to please move, to which one of the boys said, "We’re not moving for no towelhead." Without missing a beat, Sandy said, "Get the (expletive deleted) out of the way."

With that, they both stood up. The taller boy stormed over and pushed Sandy, who is 5 foot 2. Imagine his surprise when she stood her ground, then pushed him so hard that he lurched backwards and banged into a concrete column. As he rubbed his skinned head, his friend stepped out of the way and Sandy walked with the Indian man to her car. The little man thanked her profusely for standing up to them as he unloaded the groceries, constantly glancing back at the two boys who were still standing by the column. Sandy told him not to worry and escorted him back to the store. The two boys then walked away, probably looking for a towel to wrap around the wounded boy’s head.

1 comment:

  1. The citizen him/herself is the first line of defense. You go, Sandy!

    Jimmy Kelly - Vero
