Monday, January 26, 2009

What this is all about...

Welcome to my online 'newspaper,' THE WORLD ACCORDING TO MILT. I'm the publisher, editor, writer, photographer, columnist, account executive, pressman, receptionist, janitor and delivery person. Being chief, cook and window washer, I get to publish whatever I want.

The only problem with all this power is that if it isn't interesting, you're not going to read it! So I have a mandate -- make it interesting enough that you will want to read it and comment on what you read (or what you read, depending on present or past tense usage).

Obviously, I am doing this for the freedom to express my opinion on things and I welcome your opinion about my opinions, as long as they are not just mean-spirited, narrow-minded and uninformed -- like many letters to the editor. You don't have to agree with me, nor do I have to agree with you, but let's assume we all have at least a ninth grade education and have at least been exposed to civilized society.

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