Saturday, March 21, 2009

Is anyone in charge?

We are all concerned about the fiscal crisis, of course. It was our hope that after firing the previous administration and bringing in a high-powered team of financial experts with more degrees than an expensive thermometer, our new leaders would finally get a handle on the situation and restore fiscal integrity.

Instead, I get the distinct feeling our financial future rests in the hands of bickering politicians and confused experts. In normal times, economists rarely agree on anything, so that's not unusual. But these aren't normal times, so we expect some kind of consensus to arise other than telling us what we already know - we're in deep kaka. The head financial guru, Mr. Geithner, looks like a kid in his first job, not sure where the men's room is much less where the economy is headed.

As to our politicians, the Democrats were successful laying blame on the Republicans, and the Republicans are practicing their blame speechs for the next election. However, while they're 'fiddling' around, our financial future is burning.

1 comment:

  1. Humans, being of a tiny-brained and unfocused species, cannot comprehend or remember what they read, only what they see. Which, after carefully reading all your blogs, begs the question, "What REALLY HAPPENED to the Sphinx's nose?

    Was it accidently severed in some twisted virgin sacrifice, tribal war or botched cosmetic procedure? Or, as many now believe, was it the Moses Conspiracy Theory? Whereupon leaving Egypt, he decided to take a souvenir and what could more fitting. And I guess dragging a 50-ton nose across the desert could explain why it took so long to get to Israel, which is like next door.

    Many of us are also very curious about the origin of the name "Sphinx". Conventional wisdom has it named after its architect, Ahmed "Sphincter" Kowalski but we would appreciate your verification on this.

    Simply Blogolicious Milt. Keep up the fine work.


    P.S. pleez send $$
