Tuesday, January 27, 2009

What I have learned about religion in my travels..

Part of the problem in our failure to relate to people in the Middle East is the difference in religion. My parents always told me I would be best advised to avoid giving my opinions/beliefs about religion and politics if I want to get along with people. Those are two subjects that if they come up, and you are on opposite sides of an issue, they can ruin a friendship or business relationship, even break up a family.

The problem where religion is concerned, especially, is that every ardent believer in a particular religious affiliation or sect, is convinced that their version of the pathto truth and salvation is the only true path, which has made for some awfully bloody conflicts over the past two or three thousand years. People who feel they are above the fray because they 'tolerate' other faiths must be unaware of the definition of tolerate. I would be willing to bet you have people in your life who you 'tolerate.' On a linear scale, if you put 'intolerant' at one end of the continuum, what would you put at the other end? 'Tolerant?' All that means is you are less intolerant, at least less intolerant until the person you are 'tolerating' provokes you enough to punch him in the mouth.

No. The opposite of 'intolerant' is 'respect.' You can respect another person's beliefs and opinions - or at least the right of that person to express his/her beliefs and opinons - without actually believing them yourself. What's your take on all this?

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