Thursday, March 12, 2009

Do as I say, not as I do

Sarah Palin, with all her sermonizing about family values, abstinence and banning sex education, found herself -- as sermonizers usually do -- with the awkward reality of a pregnant teenage daughter as she was campaigning on behalf of those values. It was okay though, because the teenage father was going to do the right thing, marry the pregnant girl and support his accidental family. All this when most teenagers are more concerned with acne scars than stretch marks.

Well, lo and behold, the shotgun marriage is off. What a non-surprise. I don't find fault with these kids -- unmarried teenagers have dealt with pregnancy through the ages. I feel sorry for Bristol, not only because she probably planned to do more with her young life than be a teenage single mom, but also because she will have to raise two babies - hers and her mother's.

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