Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Off to Egypt again

I will depart on Friday, April 24 for my annual visit to Egypt, where I will spend most of the next three weeks in the tiny farming village of Kafr el Arbein (kaf-L-R-bine). I don’t have internet access from the village, but a nearby city has an internet cafĂ© and I hope to send home reports from there a few times a week. If you have any questions or comments about the people and politics of Egypt, write them here and I will respond.

Here’s some introductory info…
Egyptians are very family oriented and invest their hopes and dreams in their children. They complain about rising prices, government ineptitude and their bosses. Most are God-loving, conservative, eat too much and love to gossip. Wait, doesn’t that sound a bit like Americans?


  1. Hey Milt, have a great time in good old Kafr el Arbein. I still don't understand how you can sleep there, but that's just me. Tell your host, Mr. Hamdy, that we said "hello" and all is fine here.

  2. I will pass on your comments. I can sleep anywhere.
