Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Beliefs and opinions

It all gets back to opinions. Everyone has opinions, some of which are strongly held and become beliefs. Wars are not usually fought over opinions, although many a bar fight has been waged over them. When opinions become beliefs though, watch out. If you believe Obama is ruining the country after three months in office, you don’t take kindly to someone who suggests Bush already ruined it in his eight years. If you believe human-induced climate change will be the death of us, don’t hang around with people who believe climate change is normal and they have a gun rack in their truck to prove it. If you believe only Saved Christians will go to heaven, don’t tell that to a Muslim or a Jew, who believe they are each exclusively God’s chosen people. The right thing to say is that everyone is entitled to his or her belief as long as I’m entitled to mine. At least, that’s my opinion on the subject.

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