Sunday, January 31, 2010

I hope this is an isolated Pat Robertson fan

No sooner had I written about Pat Robertson's latest attack of foot- in-mouth disease and my concern about who might actually agree with him, when the answer came in the form of a letter to the editor in the Press Journal. The author of this letter was commenting on Carl Hiaasen's column about the Robertson incident entitled, YAMMERING FOOL IS AT IT AGAIN. The writer complains that Hiaasen "has concern for homosexuals, abortion activists, feminists and the American Civil Liberties Union." And "he could be listening to atheists." This same writer claims that atheists, "have managed to set up a whole new set of laws and rules for us to follow," including, I presume, "the 'theory' of evolution is being taught in public schools." The writer concludes by saying that "Mr. Hiaasen should have done more research in the Bible" and "he does not seem to be very well informed in this area."

All I can say is Thank God he isn't more informed in this area.

1 comment:

  1. Pat Robertson is an old man now and has always been known as being outspoken. CBN's Operation Blessing ministry, however, has accomplished much good for many, many years. I am tired of watching non-believers take the careless words of one good man and use them to launch another Christian bashing campaign, forever attempting to use their intellect to overpower faith. You will never succeed.
    I have blocked your blog from my page.
