Saturday, February 12, 2011

Global warming -- fact or fiction?

Two harsh winters in a row would seem to give global warming deniers plenty of ammunition to rebut the work of scientists on the subject. What is it about science that fosters so much distrust and debate? I don't even want to get into the argument because I know that when people believe something to be true, no amount of factual information can ever sway them.

Without getting into the argument, let's just say the rash of cold weather we have endured in this country and in Europe can be explained by a weather phenomenon more to do with ocean currents than global warming. It's called La Nina (Neenya) and originates in the Pacific Ocean. La Nina doesn't affect weather around the globe whereas global warming does. To put it simply, let's say it's 90 degrees outside and you have no air conditioning inside your home. La Nina is like opening the refrigerator door and sticking your head in the meat department. Global warming deniers are inclined to say, 'hey, there's no heat wave in here!' It's kind of like sticking your head in the sand so you don't have to worry about the world around you.

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